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Alohi Earns Second Consecutive "Best Place to Work in Switzerland" Recognition

Alohi Team
May 31, 2024
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3 min read

We are thrilled to announce that Alohi has been recognized as one of the Best Places to Work in Switzerland for the second consecutive year! This year, we proudly advanced to the higher category of companies with 20 to 49 employees, maintaining a commendable ranking amidst heightened competition.

This achievement is a testament to our unwavering commitment to our core values, which form the foundation of our success. At Alohi, we foster unity and collaboration, believing that our collective strength drives long-term success.

The recognition from Great Place to Work Switzerland underscores our efforts to create a positive and inclusive work environment. Our team has highlighted the camaraderie and sense of belonging at Alohi, where everyone feels valued and supported. We prioritize a culture of openness, encouraging the free exchange of ideas and fostering an atmosphere where every team member can thrive.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our exceptional team, whose talent and dedication have been instrumental in this accomplishment. We also thank Great Place to Work Switzerland for this prestigious recognition.

As we look ahead, we remain committed to nurturing our team, delighting our customers, and positively impacting society. Here's to continued growth and excellence!

Explore our career center to find out how you can contribute to this incredible team.

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